
Ohio Issue 1 2004

05/05/2013 11:24
Ohio Issue 1[1] of 2004, is a ballot measure that amended the Ohio Constitution to make it unconstitutional for the state to recognize or perform same-sex marriages or civil unions. The referendum was approved by 62% of the voters.[2] The text of the amendment states: Only a union between one man...

Relationships & Family

05/05/2013 11:38
LGBT Couples and Families Lack Significant Legal Protections in Ohio. Ohio's LGBT couples and families are not fully protected by state law.  Ohio limits marriage to "one man and one woman" by statute and does not recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions, or domestic partnerships.  In...

Safety & Security

05/05/2013 11:53
Every Ohioan, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, deserves to feel safe, secure, and at home in our state. That includes in our neighborhoods, our workplaces, on the street, and at school. Safe Schools Ohio currently has a an anti-bullying law that provides limited protection...

Prop8, DOMA, and SCOTUS

05/06/2013 11:36
The Supreme Court has heard arguments in cases inlvolving California's Proposition 8 which rescinded the right to same-sex marriage in that state, and DOMA, passed in 2004, which bans same-sex marriages on a federal level.  Many people feel that SCOTUS will rule that both laws are...

Why Gay Marriage May Never be a Reality in Ohio

05/12/2013 12:20
It is unfortunate to think that in this climate of equality awareness that seems to be happening in our nation it still may take many years before same-sex marriage is recognized in the state of Ohio.  The truth is the current mental state of Ohioans seems extremely apothetic when it comes to...


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